Naturally occurring zinc

Zinc occurs naturally mainly in the form of:
- complex sulphides (Sphalerite)
- carbonates and silicates (calamines)
Within minerals, this element occurs by a percentage that goes from 4 to 20% and is generally associated to:
- lead
- copper
- iron
and to a lesser extent:
- silver
- cadmium
- germanium
- indium.
After the mineral is extracted, it is enriched by a flotation process, through which the part which is rich in zinc, after the use of specific reagents, comes to the surface, while the sterile part remains on the bottom.
A concentrate with 50-55% of zinc is thus obtained, ready for metallurgical processing, with which it is possible to obtain the material to manufacture our products, with almost absolute purity equal to 99.962%, in line with the standards laid down by Mortuary Authorities