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• Why should I register to the website?

Because technology is convenient. Information technology – although it is not very flexible - is a tool providing an advantage in terms of time and money.

Once you have registered to the website, you will be able to place your orders directly online, check the status of an order, or look up on the transport document history the models and item codes of the products you previously purchased.

• How do I place or check the status of an order?

To place an order online, you first need to register to the website once for all;

if you haven’t done so yet, go to "REGISTRATION" .

- By clicking on "LOGIN" you log in to the website. You will be requested the USERNAME and PASSWORD that you chose upon registration.

- Once you have entered the website, it is possible to create a new order by clicking on "NEW ORDER". A list representing the history of all the articles you previously ordered will then be displayed. You will only need to enter the desired quantity of an article and click on “order” to add that article to your order.

CAUTION: to order a complete coffin, you must indicate the bottom and the cover.

- To add another article that you have never ordered before, select "SEARCH FOR ARTICLES ACCORDING TO SIZE" to have access to the article search page: by entering the item model and size you will get a list of all the matching articles. If no results are given, this means that the sizes you requested are not filed in our systems. However, it is possible to request a new article with the sizes you have just entered if you enter the desired quantity on the bottom of the page.

- To check whether an article is on stock in real time, all you need is to enter a quantity and click on "Check for Availability".

- To verify the already delivered orders or those being processed, select the "ORDER STATUS" main item.

• Why is the item code so important? And is it important to remember it?


The item code is a sort of "life-saving" tool because it identifies and classifies in a univocal way products with similar characteristics or names, so as to avoid any possible mistake.

Since 2010 we have entered approximately 2,000 articles into our new management software, and the number of articles is still continuously increasing. It is not difficult to understand how much time would otherwise be wasted every day to identify a model without this code.